Curiosities: Known as imphepho, omphepho or malufite this plant as being used by local tribes, mainly burnt as incense to invoke the goodwill of the ancestors and as charms (protective, love).
Traditional uses:
Part of the plant used | Processing mode | What it is treated for |
Leaves |
Decoction | It is used to wash keloid scars. |
Roots and leaves | Infusion | Infusion Used to drive away evil spirits, used to wash the body |
Dried leaves and seeds | Smoked in a pipe | The Karanga smoke this as a remedy for cough and pulmonary tuberculosis |
Plant | Burnt | Plant Burned as incense by the KwaZulu-Natal |
Root | Infusion | Venereal disease. |
Root | Mixed with salt and other ingredients. Given orally. | Various conditions |